
She Glows

It's been a while since my last post...
This one should make up for it and when I have another spare moment there is more to come!! :)
This glowing girl is my dear friend Stacey.  I have know her for 11 years (where did the time go??) and my friends know her as "the best cook in the entire world".  She has taught me tons about cooking and has the best sense of humor!  I can't think of a time that we haven't had the best time together, even if we weren't doing anything!!!
Isn't she a beauty?
And don't email me asking for her number, someone else has it ;)




Eight facts about me...

There is a fun little game going around the blogs where the author tells eight unknown facts about themselves and then 'tags' a new group of people. The superfly, crazy talented Shannon Sewell got me ;)
(I just plagiarized that whole bit, thanks Shannon!)

1. A virtually unknown fact...I am now the proud driver of a beautiful orange Honda Element!! Goodbye trusty Camry (not really, that's why I bought the Element!!). I have wanted this vehicle for a number of years, hated it when it first came out, then it grew on me. Have you ever seen the inside of one? You wouldn't believe the room!!

2. I have never broken a bone in my body and I just filled my first adult tooth at the ripe age of 31.

3. I am an ALIEN!! Resident alien that is...I am Canadian. No "eh?" though,  I promise :)

4. My mom died when I was just shy of 25. Ovarian cancer got her, 4 mos from start to finish. My brother was 12, my two sisters were 8 & 16.

5. I love to cook. My faves are stir fry and homemade Martha Stewart style cream sauce over linguine. Real heavy cream, it's the best. And lots of garlic, the more the merrier!!

6. I wouldn't be where I am today without my dad. Besides encouraging me to be my own person, supporting me in what I chose to do with my life, and always giving me good advice, he bought me the digital SLR I use today for Christmas one year. That was so huge in taking my photography to the next level, a value that can never be repaid.

7. When I was a kid, we had a pet rabbit for a while call Lancelot. He was an angora and my mom wanted to make him into a sweater (for real, she knew how to do all that stuff).

8. Willow is my real name.

And here I am photographed by the girly who tagged me, Shannon Sewell:

Molly, Dez, and Carla are next, TAG! you're it!
I heart you all!!




It's Sunday and I have two appointments to go to then to Grandma's house for dinner.  I will be walking out the door as soon as this post is done! :)  This girly is a rep for me at her high school.  These are just a couple of the many, it was hard to pick, more will follow...
Hope you all are having a great weekend!!!



Calling All Girls

Whether you are 20, 30, 40, 50, 60+...you need fantastic images of yourself documenting your life and your style!  
You may do it for your boyfriend or your husband, but you really need to do it for yourself!!  As women we can be critical of ourselves-no more!  

Taking the time to plan a day for you including all the girly stuff and a photoshoot can be fun fun fun!! It makes you feel good, not only for the end result but also for taking the time out of your busy life to be "selfish".
Spend a day with your best girlfriend, getting your makeup done (that is the best ever!), getting your hair done, wearing your fave outfits that make you feels super stylish, and showing what a beauty you are!

A fabulous photograph of yourself is worth a year of therapy! :)  

Every girl has something that they would like to change about themselves...why not accentuate the positive...while you still have it!!!  

You have a heart and a personality that others love, you can show that in a 2 dimensional way with your face and smile, why not?  Why not?

Besides, have you all ever heard of Photoshop?? It's worth a thousand words!! :)
Don't let you hold you back!  

Be yourself, have some fun!!!



Off To Europe

This is Nelly, a brave and independent girl who will be spending her senior year in Europe! I am so excited for her to have experiences that she will cherish and remember for the rest of her life. There is no better time than the present to do the things you dream of.  

I am inspired by her and have decided to take a trip myself.  I wanted to jump and go next month but I think a little planning would make more sense.  
I guess sometimes a girl has to be sensible :)  
I try to be unsensible at least every once in a while, I think it keeps me well rounded!!!



Danaca, Shy Girl


This girly lives next door to me.  She is so beautiful (check out that face shape!!), and of course, I had to photograph her!  Not much else to say, I am so tired my blogging desire/ability is nowhere to be found :)